IPAC Business School includes an International Purchasing program in the MBA Business Development course


IPAC Business School entrusts the development of its International Purchasing program to Altaïs Conseil.

This program is for students taking the MBA Business Development course. It is subject (1) to a seminar given in different IPAC schools and taught mainly in English language and (2) to an e-Learning course remotely taken by students who are abroad.

The International Purchasing program covers the following ambitious objectives:

  • knowing the specifics of the Purchasing function, including those for International Sourcing
  • mastering Sourcing process basics and Category management basics, including those for International Sourcing
  • understanding the strategic role of the Purchasing function within the company
  • understanding the business of the Purchasing function
  • understanding how to optimise a Purchasing organisation in a given company
  • understanding the impact of globalization on the international Sourcing activity
  • understanding the importance of following a structured Sourcing process
  • mastering the basics of Sourcing marketing activities
  • understanding how to develop and execute a Sourcing strategy
  • understanding the supplier qualification approach/process
  • mastering the basics of the functional approach (1) to formalize a Sourcing need and (2) to conduct a Sourcing project
  • mastering RFP/RFQ process basics
  • mastering supplier performance management basics (SPM)
  • understanding the market of e-Sourcing solutions
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